If it has not been paid yet
- If you made a booking request and wish to cancel it before the approval of the host, you will not be charged and the funds held from your account will be released within 24 hours. Click on "My stays", select the booking request to cancel, and click "Cancel booking". If using the app, go to More > My Trips, and select “Cancel booking” for the desired booking request.
- If the host has pre-approved your booking and you do not wish to proceed with the booking eventually, it will expire after 24 hours and you will not be charged at all.
If it has been paid already
You must cancel your reservation. Click on "My stays", select the booking to cancel, and click "Cancel booking". If using the app, go to More > My Trips, and select “Cancel booking” for the desired booking.
Warning: depending on the time of cancellation, and the cancellation policies set up by the host, you may not receive a 100% refund, and misterb&b fees will be retained. You will be refunded the remaining amount directly on your credit card. We also strongly encourage you to contact the host, explaining the reasons for the cancellation.