What price should I give my listing? (extra guest? breakfast?)

This is a common question that is asked by all new users who are just getting started as hosts.

The price you charge will depend on a few key factors such as your location, the amenities offered, and the time of year e.g. summer, pride season, holiday season.

We recommend checking out other properties in your city to see what other hosts are charging for accommodation similar to yours.  

Charge for additional guest: Hosts will usually charge 20% of the price per night for an extra guest. On your listing page, go to “Pricing” then “Extra guest fee per night”. Enter the desired price and click on “Save”.

Charge for breakfast: You can select the option to offer breakfast as a free amenity, or you can decide to charge for it. If so, make sure you add the price for breakfast on your listing description. 

The decision and amount to charge are always left up to the host's discretion. 

If you need some extra assistance on this, send us an email or give us a call, we'd be happy to help.